Friday, June 26, 2009

12th of May

Meeting at Artstation

Alexis is organising a mini-conference for the 11th of December at Cardiff Uni, called Cultural Translation. Wyn will present Continental Drift, Glenn to present Moiré work (Creole Project?).

This will be followed up in Spring 2010 with a bigger conference called The Moiré Effect in Cardiff. Alexis suggested giving it a “disgustingly attractive” sub-title, like: A New Paradigm of Social Science. The idea is to present moiré as a new rhetoric for the arts, science and politics. The way Alexis thinks about this is as follows:

Moiré = a Trojan Horse
Migration = the soldiers within!

Suggestion: we should contact the European Delegation in Wales re our Brussels project.

Glenn would like to invite Tom Hall from the Cardiff School of Social Sciences to our next meeting.


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