We discussed the idea of organising a research workshop to be held at Cardiff Uni on Friday the 24th of April - times yet to be finalised. The session would be open to both students and staff. Other Cardiff Uni, outside of European Studies, were also mentioned as people who should be invited: the European Centre for Research, Newport, and also colleagues from the School of Journalism, Cardiff ('Post-colonialism, Ethnicity, Visuality and Cultural Politics'). The aim would be to present some of the ideas surrounding our project. It'll hopefully be beneficial to participants and also to us as a team, re clarifying our ideas and giving them a public airing. We envisage the workshop would include: Glenn presenting his Creole images; Glenn & Wyn on Paperwork; Alexis on his translation studies work; and maybe Wyn on his Continental Drift project. Plenty of space will be provided to talk about our current proposal.
We also discussed the Beyond Text funding application, picking Margaret and Rachel's brains on the matter, as they themselves are also currently preparing a proposal for the same funding scheme. They were very generous with their comments and advice, e.g. telling us about Beyond Text Small Grants workshop at Queen Mary University, London, on the 25th of March.
We agreed that this funding scheme seemed appropriate, although the deadline of the 7th of May was very tight. Alexis agreed to play the role of Principal Investigator (PI) and to push ahead with the bid.
After the meeting Wyn spoke to Evelyn Welch, who is the scheme's Programme Director. She thought our project did sound as if it fitted in well with the scheme, but would need to be tweaked somewhat to play down its migration aspect (because this theme had been covered by a recent AHRC funding scheme), and play up its visual translation aspect, iconography, the transmission of memory through time and place, etc. In the light of these recent discussions, it could make sense to break down our project into two distinct phases:
- Phase One: Creating the art work (large photographic prints & film), to be funded by Beyond Text. Dissemination could include: journal article and an art installation at a local venue, e.g. Welsh Assembly Building. In some ways this would function as a pilot project for Phase Two. Research questions evolving around visual translation; and maybe broadening out the theme/subject to include devolution, democracy, education?
- Phase Two: Brussels Conference and accompanying art installation at the European Parliament building. This would could more specifically narrow down the theme to focus primarily on migration. Same art work could be used, or tweaked to accommodate the new environment. To be funded by a different scheme.
Evelyn stressed the importance of our research questions tying in closely with the questions outlined in the Beyond Text guidelines. She also indicated the importance to them of backing projects that had a "big impact". The European Parliament art installation was mentioned, but because of the 7th of May deadline, it seems highly unlikely that we would be able to confirm a booking by then! Phase Two, and its big impact on an international level, can be alluded to in the application, but Phase One itself would also need to have a big impact.
Wyn will aim to attend the 25th of March workshop at Queen Mary's. The three of us will also aim to meet up with Evelyn in the near future for a face to face chat, to help tweak the proposal, and ease us all into the enchanting mysteries of AHRC applications!
Funding details:
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